home > quality control

We analyze the rice with an equipment for evaluation of quality of rice, in the quality control room and the factory, in addition to a taste check to respond to the customer's request precisely.
Thereby, we send safe rice.

quality control

  • We check all brown rice that directly arrived from production areas, and sort them, and select one that accords with our criteria. We set criteria that vary from one production area to another and from one variety of rice to another. In order to do that, we use equipment for evaluation of quality of rice.
  • After we polish rice, we analyze how moist, white, and adapted to our standard about shape they are. then We ship products that accords our criteria.

We always keep appropriate situations for production.

Product production in the always appropriate situation

Quality control room is always trying to improve the production process, checking how clean our mills are, so that the mills can always produce goods in an appropriate condition.

We always keep our mills clean.

Cleaning of a periodical factory

We every day measure the temperature of our warehouses of both brown rice and polished rice. Moreover, we plan an annual schedule, and regularly do clean-up activities that all of employees are involved in.

We test all products and actually try to eat them.

Taste check of all products

We test whether all products can be cooked appropriately or not. In this test, not only members of Quality control room, but also our staff who produce products check the taste. If we see some products which are discomfort in taste and smell, or inappropriate for selling, we will stop the every manufacturing process of that product. Also, since we keep samples of brown rice and polished rice according to lots for 3 months, we can react inquiries from our customers.

当社 北名古屋工場及び瑞浪工場は、世界標準であるHACCP手法を精米製造に採り入れた工程管理「精米HACCP」の認定工場です。
  • SDGsへの取り組みについて
  • 地域未来牽引企業選定について
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online shop

  • ハーベストシーズン 楽天市場店
  • ハーベストシーズン Yahoo!JAPAN店
  • ハーベストシーズン au Wowma!店
  • ハーベストシーズン amazon店
  • ハーベストシーズン docomo dショッピング店
  • ハーベストシーズン Qoo10ショッピング店
  • ハーベストシーズン LINE GIFT店
  • ホワイトハーベストシーズン ポンパレモール店