home > Rinse-free rice mill with new idea

rinse-free rice production

Mizunami mill

In Mizunami mill, we also produce “rinse-free rice” which you can cook directly without rinse.
In addition, this mill has a new attitude toward quality control, safety and freshness. In order to remove conventional rice mill’s way of thinking and images toward it and provide you with “Top quality rice”, we have adopted “zoning” ―the idea of producing products as a food mill. Also, at the stage of polishing rice in Mizunami mill, we can prevent contamination problem ―the problem of mixing some kinds of rice with other kind of rice ― which conventional rice mill cannot prevent from. With sanitary work environment and new thought, we aim to produce better products and control quality more thoroughly.

Our company's rinse-free rice

We adopt a unique method.
Before rice absorb water, we remove only rice bran layer from its surface.

Manufacturing method using the water of the rinse-free rice

By saving its good taste layer clearly, we can provide you with true taste of rice.

good taste layer

Merits of purchasing of rinse-free rice.

You can save time!

You do not have to rinse rice, so you (especially manager) can save personnel expenses.

saving of the time

Rinse-free rice is easy and convenient.
You do not have to rinse rice, so you can save time.

saving of the time

You can save water bill!

Rinse-free rice do not have to be rinsed by you.Because you can save water bill.

saving of the water bill

saving of the water bill

You can eat more cooked rice!

Quantity of the cooked rice increases

When you rinse rice, 5% of them are washed out as rice bran.
When you purchase rinse-free rice, you can eat rice of the same weight as stated in the package.

Quantity of the cooked rice increases

Action of the safety

Mizunami mill

In Mizunami mill, we produce “rinse-free rice” which you can cook directly without rinse.
In addition, this mill has a new attitude toward quality control, safety and freshness. In order to remove rice mill’s conventional way of thinking and your images toward it and provide you with “Top quality rice” , we have adopted “zoning” ―the idea of producing products as a food plant. Also, we can prevent contamination problem ―the problem of mixing some kind of grain with other kind of grain ― at the polishing stage in Mizunami mill which conventional mill cannot prevent.
With sanitary working place and new thought, we aim to produce better products.


In order to produce better rice in more sanitary working place, we adopt the idea of “Zoning” that we divide Mizunami mill into general area, place for contamination work and place for clean work.


Contamination prevention(Mixture of the different kind of rice)

Mizunami mill

In Mizunami mill, we equip all devices which are used at the rice polishing stage with device for controlling pollution so that we can prevent the problem of contamination. In fact, in conventional rice mill, rice of the same brand might be mixed with another rice at the polishing stage. However, by equipping this device, we can remove this possibility and produce products which contain only one kind of rice, not another.

Action in consideration for environment

Equipment of cleaning device


We equip special cleaning device so that we can make polluted water which is produced at rice polishing stage adapted to the regulations and release it to public sewage. As a member of society, we deal with polluted water responsibly.

We also recycle rice bran.

We recycle rice bran which is removed at the rice polishing stage as fertilizers used to grow radish and mushrooms or used for livestock.

Saving a lot of water.

When you polish rice in your house, a lot of water is used. However, our mill uses relatively less water at the rice polishing stage. So you can contribute to saving water by purchasing our rinse-free rice.


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